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From Ukraine With Love – JULIA GILAS

By admin   |    March 24, 2016 2:37 pm    |   Girls

JULIA GILAS Ukraine Love fitness model Southern California Russian dream

Julia Gilas is a fitness model, who has recently taken over the social media world by storm. Julia was born and raised in the Ukraine, currently residing in Southern California. As a child, Julia knew right away that she wanted to become a model. She enrolled in modeling school at 14 and thrived; at 16 she left home to follow her dream of becoming a successful model.

With over one million followers, Julia Gilas is quickly becoming one of the most sought out models on social media.  Julia has a sweet but fierce mentality that naturally exudes through her photos and videos. Outgoing and determined she continues to grow in the modeling world. Julia is always looking for new ways to reinvent herself, without actually “losing” herself.

You ca see more of Julia with our friends over at RUF.LYF

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